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Hot Springs School District

We are Diverse. Dedicated. Unified. A Place for Everyone.

Trojan Happenings - Sunday, February 23

Posted Date: 2/24/25 (:00 AM)

H and S logo with Trojan Head in the center
Trojan Happenings
Weekly news and updates
February 23, 2025
Gray background with white boxes of colorful information.
Dear Trojan Families,
Picture of an excited young boy with a book.
Welcome back, Trojan families! We hope you had a restful and refreshing February break. It’s going to be a great week in the Hot Springs School District, filled with excitement and learning! We’re kicking things off with the start of spring sports, as our soccer, baseball, and softball teams take the field for their home openers. Plus, we’re counting down to Trojans Love Reading on Friday, Feb. 28—a special event celebrating the joy of reading across our schools. Let’s make it a fantastic week!

Go Trojans! 💛🖤
Gold background with the words Trojans Love Reading with pictures of people reading to students.
Trojans Love Reading
We invite all parents, guardians, grandparents, family friends and community members to join us Friday, Feb. 28 at 1:30 p.m. for Trojans Love Reading.

We'll provide the books. All you need to do is show up at any one of the four elementary schools and read to a class.

RSVP to your child's teacher or email Jennifer Hoyt at

WHEN: Friday, Feb. 28 | 1:30 pm

White flyer with pictures of coffee and coffee beans
Coffee Talk This Thursday
Join us this Thursday at the Welcome Center, 702 Main Street, from 9-10 am. This month's topic is All Things Testing.

Come hear from Melissa Bratton, the District's ESOL and Testing Coordinator, about what to expect with this year's ATLAS Testing and how to prepare your student.

WHEN: Thursday, Feb. 21 | 9 - 10 am
Picture of students singing.
Secondary Choirs Presents: Dreamers
Join us for Dreamers, a powerful celebration of Black History Month presented by the Hot Springs Secondary Choirs, this Thursday, Feb. 27. Performances are at 9:30 am and 6 pm.

Experience an inspiring performance honoring the voices, resilience, and dreams that shape history. 

Student Tickets: $5 | Adult Tickets: $7 | Purchase tickets here:

WHEN: Thursday, Feb. 27 | 9:30 am and 6 pm
Pink Flyer with a big pink bow that says Cheer on one side and dance on the other.
Interest and Parent Meeting for Cheer & Dance
Any students interested in joining Cheer or Dance for the 2025-2026 school year must attend a meeting with a parent or guardian on Thursday, Feb. 27, at 6 pm. This meeting is mandatory for tryouts.

Contact Coach Quast at or Coach Hughley at with any questions.
Gray background with pictures from the Junior Academy. HSJA Parent Night
HSJA Parent Night
Parents are invited to come learn about the classes that will be available to students and to get them pre-registered.

Feb. 24 - Parent Night - Rising 8th Graders - 5 pm | Rising 9th Graders - 6 pm
Feb. 25 - Parent Night - Rising 7th Graders - 5 pm
Calendar for the 2025-2026 school year
2025 - 2026 School Calendar
On Tuesday, January 21, the Hot Springs School District School Board approved the calendar for the 2025 - 2026 school year, which will be very similar to the current school calendar.

The school year will begin on Thursday, July 24, 2025 and end on June 4, 2026. There will be no early dismissal on Wednesdays.

Click here for the 2025 - 2026 calendar.

Click here to stay up to date on the monthly school board meetings.
Picture of students looking at a big fish.
Gifted and Talented Schedule
Schedule for Feb. 24 - 28

Tue, Feb. 25 - 8th Grade GT Think-A-Thon in Malvern at Boy's/Girl's Club

Friday, Feb. 28 - OSTEM grades 3-6 GT and Langston grades 3-4 GT to UCA for Ada Twist Scientist show 
Community Events
Cheer Leader with yellow and purple pom poms advertising Cheer prep clinics
White registration form for youth tee ball and softball.
Pink, colorful flyer promoting Hairitage and Happiness.
Black background. Pictures of women holding certificates in the bottom left and top right corners. Getting Ahead Classes Forming.
Additional news and information
Click here for more
Contact information
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us. You can reach out via the following links:

  • (501) 624-3372