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Hot Springs School District

We are Diverse. Dedicated. Unified. A Place for Everyone.

High Reliability School

The Marzano High Reliability Schools™ (HRS) framework was implemented at HSSD during the 2019-2020 school year, as it was in public school districts across Arkansas through the Arkansas Department of Education.

The HRS framework does not add a new initiative to school efforts. Many schools are already implementing a wide range of effective initiatives, and many educators are already practicing research-based strategies. The HRS framework does not replace professional learning communities, the Art and Science of Teaching framework, teacher evaluation and development, sound curriculum, Science of Reading, instruction in critical thinking and reasoning skills, formative assessment, standards-based grading and reporting systems, or student mastery systems.

Instead, this framework shows how best practices work together and provides indicators to empower districts and schools to measure their progress on attaining five increasing levels of reliability: Using the framework and indicators, districts and schools can drive permanent, positive, and significant impacts on student achievement by synthesizing multiple complex initiatives into one harmonious system.

Learn more about how the HSSD is implementing the HRS framework through our Instructional Model.