Class of 2027 and Beyond Graduation Requirement
Students in the Class of 2027 and beyond are now required to complete community service to earn a high school diploma in Arkansas (Act 237 of 2023, pages 38-39). The law includes that students will earn 15 hours of community service in 9th grade, and 20 hours of community service in each of the years for grades 10, 11, and 12 to equal 75 hours of service required for graduation.
For frequently asked questions about volunteering and the graduation requirement, click here.
Service Hour Opportunities and Tracking
Students will be alerted to all service opportunities via email or daily announcements. In addition, service opportunities in the community are listed on many organization websites. For a list of organizations and opportunities, click here.
To keep track of student hours, we use Track It Forward. Click here to login or to start an account.
Track It Forward

For helpful videos, click here for the Track It Forward YouTube channel.
For helpful articles about volunteering, click here.
Potential Community Partners
Organizations seeking students needing community service hours can register with us by completing the form found here.
Hot Springs World Class High School: April Grace – or 501-624-5286
Hot Springs Junior Academy: Susan Barnes – or 501-624-5228